Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pink Party Dress - Vogue 8381

This is a pink party dress I made over a year ago, with a chiffon over the top and a pink lining fabric underneath. If I could do it again, I wouldn't have used such a shiny lining fabric as it shone through a little too much, and I wouldn't have sewn the hem of the chiffon to the hem of the lining, I would leave them separate in future. But, not too bad. The pattern I used was: Vogue 8381.

2 Baby Outfits - McCalls 2053

These are two baby outfits I made, one for my cousin's baby boy, and one for a friend's baby girl.

The pattern I used was: McCalls 2053.

Some of my creations

As this is the start of my new blog, actually my first blog ever, here are some of my creations so far. I'll add more as I create more!
Test post!